Typescript Mini Reference: A Quick Guide to the Typescript Programming Language for Busy Coders

Typescript Mini Reference: A Quick Guide to the Typescript Programming Language for Busy Coders

Typescript Mini Reference: A Quick Guide to the Typescript Programming Language for Busy Coders

Автор: Harry Yoon
Дата выхода: 2023
Издательство: Independent publishing
Количество страниц: 195
Размер файла: 1,4 МБ
Тип файла: ZIP (pdf+epub)
Добавил: codelibs
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Dear Readers:
1. Introduction
2. Typescript Basics
2.1. What is Typescript?
2.2. Static Typing
2.2.1. Type annotations
2.2.2. Static type checking
2.2.3. Type inference
2.3. Notes on Development Process
2.4. The Typescript Compiler
2.5. Typescript JSON Configuration File
2.5.1. Top-level options
2.5.2. compilerOptions
2.5.3. strict
2.5.4. strictNullChecks
2.5.5. noImplicitAny
2.5.6. noImplicitThis
3. Module System
3.1. ES Modules
3.2. Typescript Modules
3.3. Module Exports
3.3.1. (Regular) exports
3.3.2. Default exports
3.4. Module Imports
3.4.1. Module import
3.4.2. import - from Declaration
3.4.3. Default import
3.4.4. Name list import
3.4.5. Namespace import
3.5. Typescript Namespaces
4. Variables
4.1. The const Declaration
4.2. The let Declaration
4.3. The var Declaration
5. Basic Types
5.1. Javascript Types
5.1.1. The typeof operator
5.1.2. The instanceof operator
5.2. Strict Equality
5.3. Primitive Types
5.3.1. The boolean, number, and string types
5.3.2. The bigint Type
5.3.3. The symbol type
5.4. Literal Types
5.5. The any Type
5.6. The unknown Type
5.7. The null and undefined Types
5.8. The never Type
5.9. The void Type
5.10. The object Type
5.11. Function Types
5.12. Array Types
5.13. Tuple Types
5.14. Enum Types
6. Type Aliases
7. Type Annotations
7.1. Variable Annotations
7.2. Function Annotations
8. Assertions
8.1. Type Assertions
8.2. Const Assertions
8.3. Non-Null Assertions
9. Generics
9.1. Why Generics?
9.2. Generic Functions
9.3. Generic Types
9.4. Generic Type Constraints
10. Arrays
10.1. Generic Array<T>
10.1.1. Array creation
10.1.2. Array iteration
10.2. Generic ReadonlyArray<T>
11. Algebraic Data Types
11.1. Tuples
11.1.1. Fixed-size tuples
11.1.2. Generic tuples
11.1.3. Variadic tuples
11.2. Readonly Tuples
11.3. Union Types
11.3.1. Narrowing
11.4. Discriminated Unions
11.5. Intersection Types
12. Function Types
12.1. Function Definitions
12.2. Arrow Function Definitions
12.3. Function Types
12.3.1. Function type expressions
12.3.2. Function return types
12.3.3. Generic function alias
12.3.4. The Function type
12.4. Parameter List
12.4.1. Parameter initializers
12.5. Optional Parameters
12.6. The Rest Parameter
12.7. Parameter Destructuring
12.8. The this Parameter
12.8.1. Global context
12.8.2. Function context
12.9. Typescript Function Overloading
12.9.1. Overload signatures vs the implementation signature
13. Object Types
13.1. Object Literal Types
13.1.1. The empty object literal type
13.2. Object Type Members
13.2.1. Optional properties
13.2.2. Readonly properties
13.3. Index Signatures
13.3.1. Typescript index signatures
13.4. Getters and Setters
13.5. Member Methods
13.5.1. Method overloading
13.6. Structural Subtyping
14. Interfaces
14.1. Interface Types
14.2. Extending Interfaces
15. Classes
15.1. The ECMAScript Class
15.1.1. Class declaration
15.1.2. Class body
15.1.3. Fields
15.1.4. Accessors
15.1.5. Methods
15.1.6. Constructors
15.1.7. Static blocks
15.1.8. Inheritance
15.2. The Typescript Class
15.2.1. Constructors
15.2.2. Member visibility
15.2.3. Parameter properties
15.3. Abstract Classes
15.4. Implementing Interfaces
15.4.1. Implementing multiple interfaces
15.5. Generic Classes
16. Type Narrowing
16.1. Control Flow Analysis
16.2. The typeof Type Guard
16.3. The instanceof Type Guard
16.4. The in Operator Narrowing
16.5. Discriminated Unions
17. Advanced Types
17.1. Template Literal Types
17.2. The typeof Type Operator
17.3. The keyof Type Operator
17.4. Indexed Access Types
17.5. Conditional Types
17.6. Mapped Types
Appendix A: How to Use This Book
About the Author
About the Series
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 Typescript is a better Javascript, It is a statically typed, safe programming language, which uses more or less the same syntax as Javascript. Typescript programs are compiled to Javascript, and they can be run anywhere Javascript is supported. It is widely used by professional Javascript developers, for frontend development (e.g., Angular, React, and VueJS) as well as for backend development (e.g., Node.Js and Deno).

 This book is a "mini" language reference on the Typescript programming language. We go through all essential features of Typescript (as of versions 4.8 and 4.9), and some new ECMAScript features, in this book.

 Although it is written as a reference, however, you can read it more or less from beginning to end and you should be able to get the overall picture of the Typescript language if you have some prior experience with programming in Typescript or modern Javascript (ES2015 and later).

 The book covers

  • Typescript development basics.

  • ES module system.

  • Basic JS/TS types. Type annotations.

  • Variable declarations. Type inference.

  • Algebraic data types. Generics.

  • Objects. Classes.

  • Function types. Arrow functions.

  • How to create new types from existing types.

 Order your copy and start learning Fantastic Typescript today!

 (If you find the book useful, please let us know. Or, are we just throwing diamond before swine? :))


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