CHAPTER 1 What Is JavaScript? . 1
CHAPTER 2 JavaScript in HTML. 9
CHAPTER 3 Language Basics. 19
CHAPTER 4 Variables, Scope, and Memory. 97
CHAPTER 5 Basic Reference Types . 119
CHAPTER 6 Advanced Reference Types . 159
CHAPTER 7 Iterators and Generators. 217
CHAPTER 8 Objects, Classes, and Object-Oriented Programming . 251
CHAPTER 9 Proxies and Reflect. 323
CHAPTER 10 Functions . 349
CHAPTER 11 Promises and Async/Await. 383
CHAPTER 12 The Browser Object Model . 435
CHAPTER 13 The Document Object Model . 459
CHAPTER 14 DOM Extensions. 507
CHAPTER 15 Events. 557
CHAPTER 16 Animation and Graphics with Canvas . 609
CHAPTER 17 Scripting Forms . 645
CHAPTER 18 JavaScript APIs. 675
CHAPTER 19 Error Handling and Debugging. 765
CHAPTER 21 Network Requests and Remote Resources. 801
CHAPTER 22 Client-Side Storage . 839
CHAPTER 23 Modules. 861
CHAPTER 24 Workers . 887
CHAPTER 25 Best Practices. 955
APPENDIX B Strict Mode. 991
APPENDIX C JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks . 999
APPENDIX D JavaScript Tools. 1005
INDEX. 1017
Professional JavaScript for Web Developers, 5th edition, is the gold-standard in intermediate-to-advanced JavaScript programming development books. The author dives directly into the inner workings of JavaScript to help you clean up your code and become a more sophisticated and talented JavaScript developer. From object-oriented programming and inheritance to combining JavaScript with HTML and other markup languages, expert computer engineer Matt Frisbie walks you through everything you need to know to level-up your JavaScript game.
This new edition is updated to include ECMAScript 2023 and later standard releases, the most useful techniques, and a relentless focus on code that works seamlessly in mobile web browsers and with the latest common frameworks and libraries. With this book, you will:
Perfect for those who think they already know JavaScript “pretty well,” Professional JavaScript for Web Developers, 5th edition, is the pro-level update that intermediate and advanced web developers have been waiting for.