Razeware LLC.

Информация о издательстве:

 Razeware is the company behind raywenderlich.com, the most popular mobile development site on the Internet. Over the past 10 years, our community has published over 4,000 videos, 2,000 articles, and 50 books. Our products have made a difference in the lives of thousands of developers across the world, helping them to get their first job as a mobile developer, grow their careers, or create the app of their dreams.

 Razeware is a small bootstrapped company with just 19 full-time team members (and growing!), and we work with a wide network of over 300 part-time contractors from around the world who help create tutorials, videos, and books for our site. Our entire company is remote, and this job is too!

  • RxSwift: Reactive Programming with Swift (2017)
  • iOS 11 by Tutorials: Learning the new iOS APIs with Swift 4 (2017)
  • Combine: Asynchronous Programming with Swift. 3 Ed (2021)