Mastering Object-Oriented Programming with Python: Unlock the Secrets of Expert-Level Skills

Mastering Object-Oriented Programming with Python: Unlock the Secrets of Expert-Level Skills

Mastering Object-Oriented Programming with Python: Unlock the Secrets of Expert-Level Skills

Автор: Larry Jones
Дата выхода: 2024
Издательство: Nobtrex L.L.C.
Количество страниц: 365
Размер файла: 2,4 МБ
Тип файла: PDF
Добавил: codelibs
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1 Advanced Object-Oriented Principles in Python
1.1 Understanding Python’s Object Model
1.2 Leveraging Class Variables and Instance Variables
1.3 Exploring Advanced Method Features
1.4 Harnessing the Power of Properties and Descriptors
1.5 Dynamic Attributes and the Magic of __getattr__ and __setattr__
1.6 Customizing Object Creation and Destruction
1.7 Leveraging Operator Overloading for Flexible Interface Design
2 Mastering Inheritance and Polymorphism
2.1 Deep Dive into Inheritance
2.2 Using Super Function for Robust Code
2.3 Virtual Inheritance and Interfaces
2.4 Polymorphism and Dynamic Method Resolution
2.5 Implementing Method Overriding
2.6 Composition vs. Inheritance: Choosing the Right Approach
2.7 Resolving Potential Issues with Multiple Inheritance
3 Encapsulation and Data Hiding Techniques
3.1 Fundamentals of Encapsulation
3.2 Implementing Private and Protected Members
3.3 Managing Access with Getters and Setters
3.4 Using Name Mangling for Data Hiding
3.5 Properties for Controlled Access
3.6 Advanced Data Hiding with Descriptors
3.7 Balancing Encapsulation with Python’s Culture of Openness
4 Design Patterns in Python
4.1 Understanding Design Patterns
4.2 Creational Patterns: Singleton and Factory
4.3 Structural Patterns: Adapter and Decorator
4.4 Behavioral Patterns: Observer and Strategy
4.5 Implementing the Command Pattern
4.6 Using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) Pattern
4.7 Applying Design Patterns in Pythonic Ways
5 Metaprogramming and Decorators
5.1 Exploring Metaprogramming Concepts
5.2 Dynamic Code Execution with exec and eval
5.3 Creating and Using Decorators
5.4 Class Decorators for Object-Oriented Enhancements
5.5 Metaclasses for Advanced Class Customization
5.6 Introspection Techniques in Python
5.7 Integrating Metaprogramming with Dynamic Features
6 Advanced Use of Python’s Abstract Base Classes
6.1 Understanding Abstract Base Classes
6.2 Creating Custom Abstract Base Classes
6.3 Leveraging Built-in ABCs for Common Interfaces
6.4 Enforcing Type Checks with isinstance and issubclass
6.5 Combining ABCs with Multiple Inheritance
6.6 Optimizing Performance with ABC Caching
6.7 Advanced Use Cases of ABCs in Large Codebases
7 Concurrency with Object-Oriented Programming
7.1 Foundations of Concurrency
7.2 Thread-Based Concurrency in Python
7.3 Object-Oriented Design for Thread Safety
7.4 Leveraging the concurrent.futures Module
7.5 Asynchronous Programming with Asyncio
7.6 Integrating Multiprocessing for CPU-Bound Tasks
7.7 Debugging and Testing Concurrent Applications
8 Combining Functional and Object-Oriented Styles
8.1 Principles of Functional Programming
8.2 Integrating Functional Constructs in OOP
8.3 Using High-Order Functions and Lambdas
8.4 Functional Design Patterns in OOP
8.5 Creating Immutable Data Structures
8.6 Optimizing Performance with Lazy Evaluation
8.7 Balancing State and Statelessness
9 Integrating Object-Oriented Design with Databases
9.1 Object-Relational Mapping Basics
9.2 Implementing ORM with SQLAlchemy
9.3 Designing Persistent Classes
9.4 Handling Relationships and Joins
9.5 Managing Transactions and Sessions
9.6 Optimizing Data Access Patterns
9.7 Integrating NoSQL Databases with OOP
10 Testing and Debugging in Object-Oriented Python
10.1 Principles of Testing Object-Oriented Code
10.2 Unit Testing with Pytest
10.3 Mocking and Stubbing Dependencies
10.4 Integration Testing for OO Systems
10.5 Debugging Techniques and Tools
10.6 Automated Testing and Continuous Integration
10.7 Test-Driven Development (TDD) in OOP

 "Mastering Object-Oriented Programming with Python: Unlock the Secrets of Expert-Level Skills" is an invaluable resource for experienced Python developers looking to elevate their software craftsmanship. This book delves deeply into advanced object-oriented principles, offering a comprehensive guide to mastering the intricacies of Python's object model. With its thorough coverage on inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation, readers will gain insights into designing flexible, scalable systems that embody the core strengths of the object-oriented paradigm.
 The text meticulously explores the integration of Python's dynamic capabilities with proven design patterns, as well as novel techniques such as metaprogramming and functional integration. Readers will benefit from clear, practical examples that illuminate complex concepts, enabling them to adopt sophisticated strategies like concurrency, abstract base classes, and cutting-edge database interactions. By synthesizing functional and object-oriented principles, this book ensures developers can construct elegant, efficient, and robust solutions across diverse domains.
 Beyond in-depth technical know-how, the book places strong emphasis on quality assurance through comprehensive sections on testing and debugging. By leveraging modern practices like automated testing and continuous integration, readers will learn to deliver resilient and high-performing software. Whether for refining existing skills or expanding into new areas like asynchronous programming and NoSQL integration, this book is the definitive guide for achieving expert-level proficiency in object-oriented Python development.


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