Книги по программированию и IT 2024 года

 This book provides a comprehensive approach to manage PostgreSQL cluster databases on Amazon Web Services and Azure Web Services on the cloud, as well as in Docker and container environments on a Red Hat operating system. Furthermore, detailed references for managing PostgreSQL on both Windows and Mac are provided. This book condenses all the fundamental and essential concepts you need to ma...

DataBase (SQL) Английский PDF

 Your MySQL instances are probably broken. Many developers face slow-running queries, issues related to database architecture, replication, or database security—and that’s only the beginning. This book will deliver answers to your most pressing MySQL database questions related to performance, availability, or security by uncovering what causes databases to break in the first place. At it...

DataBase (SQL) Hacking and Security Английский PDF

 Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned developer, this comprehensive guide will take you on a journey through React's powerful ecosystem.Master the Basics:Understand the core concepts of React, from components and JSX syntax to managing state and handling events.Level Up Your Skills:Dive into more advanced topics like hooks, context API, and client-side routing to build dynamic and interact...

JavaScript (JS) Английский PDF

 Learn to create web applications in PHP with minimal previous experience. This book is a practical guide to using PHP for web development. Loaded with examples and step-by-step instructions, each chapter is dedicated to a specific area or function. You’ll first review the main principles of PHP and what is needed to program and develop in it. You’ll then study variables, data types, con...

PHP Английский PDF

 In 2016, Microsoft introduced the new generation of .NET called .NET Core. It brought many fundamental improvements to the platform, but there were also many breaking changes and missing APIs, especially when it comes to creating web applications. Upgrading any website running on .NET Framework to the new .NET Core proved to be a complex process, which can take months or even years. Thi...

.NET (.NET Core) Английский PDF

 Programmers familiar with JavaScript who wish to learn more about TypeScript version 5.0 will find this book to be a resource of great value This book is ideal for developers who want to improve their front-end programming skills and integrate TypeScript with popular frameworks such as Angular and React. With clear explanations and hands-on examples, this book makes the transition from JavaS...

JavaScript (JS) Английский PDF

 TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript with the potential to solve many of the headaches for which JavaScript is famous. But TypeScript has a learning curve of its own, and understanding how to use it effectively takes time and practice. Using the format popularized by Effective C++ and Effective Java (both Addison-Wesley), this practical book features 83 items that give specific advic...

JavaScript (JS) Английский PDF

 Книга подробно рассказывает о разработке, развертывании и поддержке крупномасштабных проектов на Python. Представлены такие концепции, как итераторы, генераторы, обработка ошибок и исключений, обработка файлов и ведение журналов. Приведены способы автоматизации тестирования приложений и разработки через тестирование (TDD). Рассказано о написании приложений с использованием кластера Apache Sp...

Python Русский PDF

 Python is of the most popular and versatile programming languages in the tech industry. However, despite their popularity and versatility, mastering them can be challenging, especially for beginners. Technical challenges such as debugging and tight deadlines can cause stress and anxiety, and career advancement and staying up to date with the latest developments in the field can be daunting.H...

GameDev Python Английский PDF

 Книга будет полезна для тех, кто стремится к созданию собственной виртуальной частной сети (VPN). Она охватывает широкий спектр тем, начиная с основ безопасности сетей и технологий VPN, и заканчивая практическими шагами по настройке и обслуживанию серверов и клиентов VPN. Автор подробно рассматривает различные аспекты создания VPN, включая выбор платформы и инфраструктуры, обеспечение безопа...

Сети/Network Русский PDF

 Изложены основные задачи системного администрирования, описаны базовые протоколы, даны рекомендации по выбору оборудования и проведению ежедневных рутинных операций. Подробно раскрыты технологии, используемые при построении информационных систем, описаны средства мониторинга и обслуживания как малых, так и распределённых сетей. Рассмотрены методы централизованного управления, основы создания...

Сети/Network Русский PDF

 Finding resources on creating apps with the Android framework and Kotlin is easy, but discovering content that addresses the common challenges faced by app developers is difficult. This book is designed to bridge that gap and equip you with the skills to tackle everyday problems in Android development. You'll get hands on with Android development by building an app similar to WhatsApp....

Kotlin Английский PDF

 PowerShell for Penetration Testing is a comprehensive guide designed to equip you with the essential skills you need for conducting effective penetration tests using PowerShell. You'll start by laying a solid foundation by familiarizing yourself with the core concepts of penetration testing and PowerShell scripting. In this part, you'll get up to speed with the fundamental scripting pri...

Hacking and Security Английский PDF

 Written from author Michael D. Callaghan's personal experience teaching Angular to web development teams, this book will serve as a practical guide to help you adopt Angular for your organization. This book consists of a series of essays related to Angular development, adoption, and the wider eco-system designed to appeal to experienced web developers and managers who have some experien...

JavaScript (JS) Английский PDF

 Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Python Implementation is a tutorial book on reinforcement learning, with explanations of both theory and applications. Starting from a uniform mathematical framework, this book derives the theory of modern reinforcement learning systematically and introduces all mainstream reinforcement learning algorithms such as PPO, SAC, and MuZero. It also covers key te...

Python Английский PDF