Mastering Data Structures and Algorithms with Python: Unlock the Secrets of Expert-Level Skills

Mastering Data Structures and Algorithms with Python: Unlock the Secrets of Expert-Level Skills

Mastering Data Structures and Algorithms with Python: Unlock the Secrets of Expert-Level Skills

Автор: Larry Jones
Дата выхода: 2024
Издательство: Nobtrex L.L.C.
Количество страниц: 320
Размер файла: 3,3 МБ
Тип файла: PDF
Добавил: codelibs
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1 Advanced Data Structures
1.1 Heap and Priority Queues
1.2 Balanced Trees: AVL and Red-Black Trees
1.3 B-Trees and B+ Trees
1.4 Tries and Suffix Trees
1.5 Disjoint Set Union (Union-Find)
1.6 Sparse Tables and Fenwick Trees
1.7 Bloom Filters and Cuckoo Hashing
2 Algorithm Design Techniques
2.1 Divide and Conquer Strategies
2.2 Greedy Algorithms
2.3 Dynamic Programming
2.4 Backtracking Techniques
2.5 Branch and Bound Optimization
2.6 Randomized Algorithms
2.7 Approximation Algorithms
3 Graph Algorithms and Applications
3.1 Graph Representation and Traversal
3.2 Minimum Spanning Trees
3.3 Shortest Path Algorithms
3.4 Network Flow and Max Flow Problem
3.5 Graph Coloring and Applications
3.6 Cycle Detection in Graphs
3.7 Connectivity and Strongly Connected Components
4 Dynamic Programming and Optimization
4.1 Principles of Dynamic Programming
4.2 Memoization and Tabulation Techniques
4.3 Classic Problems: Knapsack and Longest Common Subsequence
4.4 Optimizing Recursive Solutions
4.5 Multi-Dimensional Dynamic Programming
4.6 Bitmask and Advanced Techniques
4.7 Combinatorial Optimization Problems
5 Sorting and Searching Techniques
5.1 Comparison-Based Sorting Algorithms
5.2 Non-Comparison Sorting Algorithms
5.3 Advanced Searching Techniques
5.4 Search Trees and Balanced Search Techniques
5.5 Order Statistics and Selection Algorithms
5.6 External Sorting and Searching
5.7 Adaptive and Hybrid Algorithm Strategies
6 Memory Management and Data Handling
6.1 Memory Hierarchy and Management
6.2 Dynamic Memory Allocation and Garbage Collection
6.3 Data Alignment and Padding
6.4 Handling Large Data Sets
6.5 Buffer Management and Caching Strategies
6.6 Concurrent Data Access and Synchronization
6.7 Optimizing Data Storage and Retrieval
7 Amortized Analysis and Complexity
7.1 Foundations of Amortized Analysis
7.2 Aggregate Method
7.3 Accounting Method
7.4 Potential Method
7.5 Applications in Data Structures
7.6 Complexity Classes Beyond P and NP
7.7 Advanced Techniques in Algorithmic Efficiency
8 Advanced Tree and Graph Traversals
8.1 Depth-First Search Variants
8.2 Breadth-First Search Techniques
8.3 Eulerian and Hamiltonian Paths
8.4 Topological Sorting of Directed Graphs
8.5 Tree Decomposition and Treewidth
8.6 Advanced Graph Coloring Techniques
8.7 Articulation Points and Bridges
9 Hashing and Cryptographic Algorithms
9.1 Fundamentals of Hashing
9.2 Cryptographic Hash Functions
9.3 Hash Tables and their Applications
9.4 Perfect Hashing and Cuckoo Hashing
9.5 Digital Signatures and Authentication
9.6 Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption
9.7 Blockchain and Hashing
10 Parallel Algorithms and Multithreading
10.1 Principles of Parallel Computing
10.2 Parallel Algorithms Design
10.3 Multithreading Techniques
10.4 Performance Metrics and Scalability
10.5 Synchronization and Deadlock Prevention
10.6 Parallel Sorting and Searching Algorithms
10.7 Applications of Parallel Algorithms

 Unlock the full potential of your programming expertise with "Mastering Data Structures and Algorithms with Python: Unlock the Secrets of Expert-Level Skills." This essential read transforms the way you approach computational problems, providing a comprehensive exploration of advanced data structures and algorithms. Designed for the seasoned programmer, this book dives deep into the intricacies of Python-based solutions, making complex topics both engaging and accessible.
 Delve into sophisticated topics such as dynamic programming, graph algorithms, and multithreading with detailed explanations paired with practical Python code examples. Each chapter focuses on advanced techniques tailored to real-world applications, equipping you to tackle even the most challenging programming scenarios with confidence. From optimizing memory management to mastering cryptographic algorithms, this book empowers you to improve both performance and scalability in your software solutions.
 Whether you aim to refine your current skills or acquire new ones, this book serves as an invaluable resource for enhancing your professional toolkit. Elevate your problem-solving capabilities, prepare for high-stakes technical interviews, and ensure your competitiveness in the rapidly evolving field of computer science. With "Mastering Data Structures and Algorithms with Python," transform your understanding into one of mastery and innovation.


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