Rails 7 completely redefines what it means to produce fantastic user experiences and provides a way to achieve all the benefits of single-page applications - at a fraction of the complexity. Rails 7 integrates the Hotwire frameworks of Stimulus and Turbo directly as the new defaults, together with that hot newness of import maps. The result is a toolkit so powerful that it allows a single in...
Agile/Scrum Ruby Английский PDFElixir will change the way you think about programming. Use your Ruby experience to quickly get up to speed so you can see what all of the buzz is about. Go from zero to production applications that are reliable, fast, and scalable. Learn Elixir syntax and pattern matching to conquer the basics. Then move onto Elixir's unique process model that offers a world-class way to go parallel wit...
Ruby Английский PDFAll You Need to Know, and Nothing You Don't, to Create Ruby Programs, Gems, and Web Apps Programmers love Ruby for its elegance, power, and flexibility: that's why it was chosen for the Ruby on Rails framework that launched websites from Shopify to Coinbase. You'll love Ruby too, but you don't need to learn "everything" about it, just how to use it efficien...
Ruby Английский MOBIRuby is one of the most important programming languages in use for web development. It powers the Rails framework, which is the backing of some of the most important sites on the web. The Pickaxe Book, named for the tool on the cover, is the definitive reference on Ruby, a highly-regarded, fully object-oriented programming language. This updated edition is a comprehensive reference on the la...
Ruby Английский EPUBRuby on Rails is an open-source framework for building web applications from scratch while focusing on productivity, leveraging the power of the convention-over-configuration principle, and the well-defined model-view-controller pattern, assisting the developers in building useful features. However, this initial simplicity often leads to uncontrollable complexity turning the well-structured...
Ruby Английский EPUBSolve your Ruby programming problems that occur during your day-to-day scripting work. This book contains a varied selection of practical and interesting code recipes designed to make your coding life easier. Ruby Recipes includes solutions to problems in working with data, handling exceptions, writing blocks, and using regular expressions. This book provides ready scripts for both...
Ruby Английский PDFLearn the basics of test driven development (TDD) using Ruby. You will carry out problem domain analysis, solution domain analysis, designing test cases, and writing tests first. These fundamental concepts will give you a solid TDD foundation to build upon. Test Driven Development in Ruby is written by a developer for developers. The concepts are first explained, then a coding demo...
Ruby Английский PDFЯзык Ruby излагается последовательно от простого к сложному. Описываются интерпретатор Ruby, утилиты, детально рассматривается современная Ruby-экосистема, работа со стандартной и сторонними библиотеками. Дан разбор синтаксических конструкций: операторов, переменных, констант, конструкций ветвления и циклов, блоков и итераторов. Подробно описаны объектно-ориентированные возможности Ruby: кла...
Ruby Русский PDFThis book will teach you to write simple console applications in Ruby. When you come to the end of this book, you will be able to write Ruby scripts that interacts with the user, interacts with the file system, etc. Although Ruby is very useful on the web, this book does not contain any lessons on web specific development because the prerequisite of that is knowing basic web development using la...
Ruby Английский PDFThis book is for testers or programmers who write (or want to learn) automated tests with Selenium WebDriver. In order to get the most of this book, basic Ruby coding skill is required. Usually, a ‘recipe’ book is a reference book. Readers can go directly to the part that interests them. For example, if you are testing a multiple select list and don’t know how, you can look up i...
Ruby Английский PDFЭто книга с Leanpub book. Leanpub позволяет авторам и издателям участвовать в так называемом Lean Publishing - процессе, при котором электронная книга становится доступна читателям ещё до её завершения. Это помогает собрать отзывы и пожелания для скорейшего улучшения книги. Мы призываем авторов публиковать свои работы как можно раньше и чаще, постепенно улучшая качество и объём материала. Тем бо...
Ruby Русский PDFThis book will mean different things to readers of different backgrounds. Those already familiar with OOD will find things to think about, possibly encounter some new points of view, and probably disagree with a few of the suggestions. Because there is no final authority on OOD, challenges to the principles (and to this author) will improve the understanding of all. In the end, you must be the...
Ruby Английский PDFThis book is about writing cost-effective, maintainable, and pleasing code. Chapter 1 explores how to decide if code is "good enough." This chapter uses metrics to compare several possible solutions to the 99 Bottles problem. It introduces a type of solution known as Shameless Green, and argues that although Shameless Green is neither clever nor changeable, it is the best initial sol...
Ruby Английский PDFImprove the user experience for your Rails app with rich, engaging client-side interactions. Learn to use the Rails 7 tools and simplify the complex JavaScript ecosystem. It's easier than ever to build user interactions with Hotwire, Turbo, and Stimulus. You can add great front-end flair without much extra complication. Use React to build a more complex set of client-side features. Structure...
Ruby Английский PDFRuby on Rails is one of the most popular web application development frameworks, but learning and using it is not the easiest task. This book will help you solve it, regardless of whether you have experience in web development in general and Rails in particular. The famous author and lead developer of Rails, Michael Hartl, will introduce you to Rails using the example of developing three applicati...
Ruby Английский PDFДобро пожаловать на страницу с книгами по Ruby — языку программирования, который идеально сочетает в себе простоту и мощь. Если вы только начинаете изучать программирование или хотите углубить свои знания, эта коллекция книг поможет вам на каждом шагу.
Ruby — это объектно-ориентированный язык с простым и лаконичным синтаксисом, который идеально подходит как для новичков, так и для опытных разработчиков. Вдохновитесь его гибкостью и удобством, открывая для себя возможности для создания веб-приложений с фреймворком Ruby on Rails, работы с базами данных и выполнения тестирования.
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Если вы новичок в программировании, эта коллекция станет отличным стартом. Если вы опытный разработчик, здесь вы найдете полезные ресурсы для профессионального роста. Независимо от вашего уровня, эти книги по Ruby помогут вам быстрее освоить язык и стать уверенным разработчиком.