Thomas Mailund


 I am an associate professor in bioinformatics at Aarhus University, Denmark. My background in math and computer science but for the last decade my main focus has been on genetics and evolutionary studies, particularly comparative genomics, speciation, and gene flow between emerging species.

 I write as a hobby, but my books are all focused on topics I teach in my daily work, where I teach several classes on data science, statistics, programming, and computer science. I try to write the kinds of books I would like to use in my own teaching, or the kinds of books I would like to have had when I learned the topics myself.

 I do have some ambitions of writing popular science books as well, but I have not had the courage to try my writing skills on that yet. So far, I have stuck to more technical topics where I feel more at home. Still, that can't go on forever, so some day I will dare to write about genetics and human evolution without hiding behind maths.

  • Domain-Specific Languages in R: Advanced Statistical Programming (2018)