Alessandro Straccia


 Alessandro “Alex” Straccia holds a bachelor's degree in Advertising and Marketing from Methodist University of São Paulo and a Technical Degree in Computer Science from ETE Lauro Gomes of São Bernardo, Brazil. He started his Creative Development interest at very early ages, using his dad’s Apple II to create 2D graphics using Logo language and adding some interactivity using BASIC language. Some years later Alessandro gave his first steps in 3D using 3D Studio and POV-Ray and started to work on more professional languages such as C and Pascal.

 His professional experience started in 1998 and gathered all his knowledge to build multimedia applications with Macromedia Director and rich content websites with Adobe Flash for Brazilian advertising agencies. At these agencies Alessandro earned some important prizes such as Merit at One Show Interactive, two shortlists at Cannes Advertising Festival and two WSA Mobile prizes. In 2011 he started his own studio to help clients and advertising agencies to build Creative Tech and digital projects.

 In 2020 Alessandro moved to the UK to work for a game studio, using his creative skills to lead the Marketing Art team, but the passion for Creative Tech area spoke louder and he decided to focus on AR and VR areas, building projects for studios such as Unit9, Eyekandy, Globant, Treatment Studio, Nexus, Blippar, among others. He started, also, to work as consultant for companies and studios interested on how to use Creative Tech on their projects. More recently, he started to explore Unreal Engine Fortnite to build playable content for educational and entertainment purposes.

 He is currently working as Creative Technologist for many creative studios in the US, UK, Europe and Brazil, building interactive applications using web 3D and web AR/VR experiences for big brands. He also gives lectures about Creative Technology and immersive technologies for universities, startups and private companies.

 When not working on Creative Tech projects, Alessandro enjoys traveling, cooking and playing videogames with his kids.

  • Interactive Web Development with Three.js and A-Frame: Create Captivating Visualizations and Projects in Immersive Creative Technology for 3D, WebAR, and WebVR Using Three.js and A-Frame (2024)