99 Bottles of OOP. 2 Ed

99 Bottles of OOP. 2 Ed

99 Bottles of OOP. 2 Ed

Автор: Sandi Metz
Дата выхода: 2021
Издательство: Potato Canyon Software, LLC.
Количество страниц: 298
Размер файла: 2,4 МБ
Тип файла: PDF
Добавил: codelibs
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This book is about writing cost-effective, maintainable, and pleasing code.
Chapter 1 explores how to decide if code is "good enough." This chapter uses metrics to compare
several possible solutions to the 99 Bottles problem. It introduces a type of solution known as
Shameless Green, and argues that although Shameless Green is neither clever nor changeable, it
is the best initial solution to many problems.
Chapter 2 is a primer for Test-Driven Development (TDD), which is used to find Shameless Green.
This chapter is concerned with deciding what to test, and with creating tests that happily tolerate
changes to the underlying code.
Chapter 3 introduces a new requirement (six-pack), which leads to a discussion of how to decide
where to start when changing code. This chapter examines the Open/Closed Principle, and then
explores code smells. The chapter then defines a simple set of Flocking Rules, which guide a step-
by-step refactoring of code.
Chapter 4 continues the step-by-step refactoring begun in Chapter 3. It iteratively applies the
Flocking Rules, eventually stumbles across the need for the Liskov Substitution Principle, and
ultimately unearths a deeply hidden abstraction.
Chapter 5 inventories the existing code for smells, chooses the most prominent one, and uses it to
trigger the creation of a new class. Along the way, it takes a hard look at immutability,
performance, and caching.
Chapter 6 performs a miracle that not only removes the conditionals, but also allows you to
finally implement the new six-pack requirement without altering existing code.
Chapter 7 examines the tradeoffs along a continuum of six different styles of Factories. It begins
by exploring a simple, hard-coded conditional, and ends with a factory whose candidate objects
both self-register, and also supply the logic needed to choose them.
Chapter 8 introduces another new requirement—to vary the lyrics. It uses this requirement to
introduce the idea of a programming aesthetic, or set of rules to guide you in times of
uncertainty. The chapter ends with a list of specific suggestions for deciding when it’s
worthwhile to voluntarily improve code.
Chapter 9 comes full circle and returns to testing. It takes advantage of the improved


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