Established in 1962, the MIT Press is one of the largest and most distinguished university presses in the world and a leading publisher of books and journals at the intersection of science, technology, art, social science, and design. MIT Press books and journals are known for their intellectual daring, scholarly standards, interdisciplinary focus, and distinctive design.
The MIT Press is committed to responsible and ethical conduct in our workplace. To support the Press’s mission to push the boundaries of scholarly publishing and advance knowledge, and in alignment with MIT’s policies and procedures, we embrace a code of conduct that governs all of our collaborations.
To lead by pushing the boundaries of scholarly publishing in active partnership with the MIT community and aligned with MIT’s mission to advance knowledge in science, technology, the arts, and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the twenty-first century.
The MIT Press works daily to reimagine what a university press can be, and to use our power as an academic publisher to elevate knowledge to inform and empower. Known for bold design and creative technology, the Press mobilizes knowledge by publishing significant works from leading researchers, scholars, and educators around the globe for the broadest possible access, impact, and audience. We seek to honor real-world complexity by featuring challenging, provocative, and transformative scholarship that crosses traditional academic and geographic boundaries and that includes underrepresented voices and perspectives. Our workplace thrives on an open culture of diverse and spirited individuality that values employee initiative, supports professional growth, and encourages experimentation and learning.
MIT Press books embody design and production values that give unique form to unique arguments. Across our subject areas, we are relentlessly forward-thinking, favoring work that either advances knowledge or offers a useful synthesis. This work may be practical or theoretical; its level might be advanced or introductory. Its approach will often be interdisciplinary and international, reflecting the cross-boundary collaboration that is needed to address complex problems and topics.
Reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of our book catalog, we publish in fields as diverse as art, architecture, business and management, cognitive science, computer science and artificial intelligence, design, economics, education, engineering, environmental science, linguistics, mathematics, neuroscience, philosophy, physics, technology, and social theory.
For more information about proposing a book project to the press, please see our information for prospective authors.
For almost 50 years the MIT Press journals division has been publishing journals that are at the leading edge of their field and launching new journals that have nurtured burgeoning areas of scholarship. In both form and content, the Press continues to push at the edges of scholarship.
In recent years, the Press has committed to publishing certain titles on an open access (OA) basis and welcomes proposals for new journals that wish to publish OA as well as ones that are subscription-based.
The MIT Press Bookstore, founded in 1980, is one of the only retail bookstores owned and operated by a university press. Located directly across from the MIT Admissions office, the Bookstore showcases books and journals published by the MIT Press, as well as a curated selection of other publishers’ books in related fields. The store also includes a dedicated children’s space, where visitors can gather and discover the best STEAM books for kids of all ages, including MIT Kids Press and MITeen Press titles. The Bookstore regularly collaborates with various organizations and the MIT Press on author events and exhibits.
The MIT Press is committed to increasing diversity and promoting inclusion in academic and STEAM publishing. Diversity takes many forms, and we recognize that the perspectives, experiences, and scholarship each of our authors and colleagues brings to the table enriches our publishing program, our workplace, and our world.
The MIT Press Fund for Diverse Voices supports the acquisition and development of book projects by and about women and other underrepresented groups in the STEM fields.
The MIT Press has been a leader in open access book publishing for two decades, beginning in 1995 with the publication of William Mitchell’s City of Bits, which appeared simultaneously in print and in a dynamic, open web edition. We support a variety of open access funding models for select books, including monographs, trade books, and textbooks. Find out more about open access publishing at the MIT Press here.