PART 1 PREPARATIONS ........................................................... 1
1 Essentials of machine learning system design 3
2 Is there a problem? 17
3 Preliminary research 31
4 Design document 48
PART 2 EARLY STAGE .............................................................. 63
5 Loss functions and metrics 65
6 Gathering datasets 91
7 Validation schemas 114
8 Baseline solution 136
PART 3 INTERMEDIATE STEPS .................................................. 153
9 Error analysis 155
10 Training pipelines 185
11 Features and feature engineering 203
12 Measuring and reporting results 234
PART 4 INTEGRATION AND GROWTH ........................................ 261
13 Integration 263
14 Monitoring and reliability 282
15 Serving and inference optimization 311
16 Ownership and maintenance 330
From information gathering to release and maintenance, Machine Learning System Design guides you step-by-step through every stage of the machine learning process. Inside, you’ll find a reliable framework for building, maintaining, and improving machine learning systems at any scale or complexity.
In Machine Learning System Design: With end-to-end examples you will learn:
Authors Valeri Babushkin and Arseny Kravchenko have filled this unique handbook with campfire stories and personal tips from their own extensive careers. You’ll learn directly from their experience as you consider every facet of a machine learning system, from requirements gathering and data sourcing to deployment and management of the finished system.
Designing and delivering a machine learning system is an intricate multistep process that requires many skills and roles. Whether you’re an engineer adding machine learning to an existing application or designing a ML system from the ground up, you need to navigate massive datasets and streams, lock down testing and deployment requirements, and master the unique complexities of putting ML models into production. That’s where this book comes in.
Machine Learning System Design shows you how to design and deploy a machine learning project from start to finish. You’ll follow a step-by-step framework for designing, implementing, releasing, and maintaining ML systems. As you go, requirement checklists and real-world examples help you prepare to deliver and optimize your own ML systems. You’ll especially love the campfire stories and personal tips, and ML system design interview tips.
For readers who know the basics of software engineering and machine learning. Examples in Python.