Книги по Go (Golang)

 Alex Rios, a seasoned Go developer and active community builder, shares his 15 years of expertise in designing large-scale systems through this book. It masterfully cuts through complexity, enabling you to build efficient and secure applications with Go's streamlined syntax and powerful concurrency features. In this book, you’ll learn how Go, unlike traditional system programming langua...

Go (Golang) Английский PDF

 Mastering Go, now in its fourth edition, remains the go-to resource for real-world Go development. This comprehensive guide delves into advanced Go concepts, including RESTful servers, and Go memory management. This edition brings new chapters on Go Generics and fuzzy Testing, and an enriched exploration of efficiency and performance. As you work your way through the chapters, you will gain...

Go (Golang) Английский ZIP (pdf+epub)

 Go, also known as GoLang, is a Google-developed open-source, compiled, and statically typed computer language. Go is a general purpose programming language with a straightforward syntax and a large standard library. The building of highly accessible and scalable web apps is one of the primary areas where GoLang is widely used. It may also be used to develop command-line programs, desktop app...

Go (Golang) Английский PDF

 Книга содержит вводный курс по языку Go для системного программирования, описывает применение Go для реализации конкурентности и параллелизма, рассказывает об интероперабельности между имеющимся кодом на C с новым кодом на Go, а также исследует возможности внедрения Go для повышения производительности различных дистрибутивов. Второе издание содержит описание языка Go в версии 1.2 и описание...

Go (Golang) Русский PDF

 Go is a modern programming language with capabilities to enable high-performance app development. With its growing web framework ecosystem, Go is a preferred choice for building complete web apps. This practical guide will enable you to take your Go skills to the next level building full stack apps.  This book walks you through creating and developing a complete modern web service fr...

Go (Golang) JavaScript (JS) Английский EPUB

 In this book, we are going to learn how to design, develop and deploy Web Server Applications using the Go programming language. In recent years, Go has become the industrial standard for these kinds of applications; so by learning this, a lot of good opportunities can be opened in the market. All subjects will be covered through various practical examples.  This book will cover the...

Go (Golang) Английский EPUB

 Go, the high-performance language from Google, is rapidly gaining traction in the machine learning world. Its speed, concurrency, and built-in features make it ideal for building efficient, scalable ML models. But where do you start?  This book is written by a seasoned developer and machine learning expert, providing you with practical, hands-on guidance based on real-world expe...

Go (Golang) Machine Learning (ML) Английский PDF

 Orchestration systems like Kubernetes can seem like a black box: you deploy to the cloud and it magically handles everything you need. That might seem perfect—until something goes wrong and you don’t know how to find and fix your problems. Build an Orchestrator in Go (From Scratch) reveals the inner workings of orchestration frameworks by guiding you through creating yo...

Go (Golang) Scratch Английский ZIP (pdf+epub+mobi)

 This book is written as a follow up to Let’s Go, and we’ll leverage a lot of the information and code patterns from that book again here.  If you’ve already read and enjoyed Let’s Go, then this book should be a good fit for you and the ideal next step in your learning. If you haven’t, then I highly recommend starting with Let’s Go first — esp...

Go (Golang) Английский PDF

 Golang holds significance because of its emphasis on simplicity, readability, impressive performance, and built-in support for concurrency. If you want to elevate your Golang programming skills and become a more proficient developer, then this book is for you.  “Golang for Jobseekers” starts by providing a comprehensive introduction to Go, covering its syntax, fundamental...

Go (Golang) Английский PDF

 Shipping Go is a hands-on guide to shipping Go-based software. Author Joel Holmes shows you the easy way to set up development pipelines, fully illustrated with practical examples in the powerful Go language. You’ll put continuous delivery and continuous integration into action, and discover instantly useful guidance on automating your team’s build and reacting with agility...

Go (Golang) Английский PDF

 Go beyond the basics of Go and build complete applications using open-source libraries or the Go programming language by Google. This book will take you deep into the memory lane of the Go language with crunchy details straight from outer space.  The applications in this book include the framework for a 2D Go-based game, an image random generator Rest API, financial time series handl...

Go (Golang) Английский PDF

 Вам уже знакомы основы языка Go? В таком случае эта книга для вас. Михалис Цукалос продемонстрирует возможности языка, даст понятные и простые объяснения, приведет примеры и предложит эффективные паттерны программирования.  Изучая нюансы Go, вы освоите типы и структуры данных языка, а также работу с пакетами, конкурентность, сетевое программирование, устройство компиляторов, оптимиза...

Go (Golang) Русский PDF

 Вы краем уха слышали о новом языке программирования Go, но не знаете, что он представляет собой на самом деле? Ответы на все ваши вопросы вы получите в этой книге. Она поможет вам познакомиться с языком Go поближе, узнать о его предназначении и преимуществах, и о том, как писать программы на этом языке (причем это будут программы не начинающего, но профессионального программиста - эффективны...

Go (Golang) Русский PDF

 На дворе начало третьего десятилетия XXI века. Огромная часть населения земли имеет доступ к скоростному интернету. Такими сервисами как YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Netflix и тд. ежедневно пользуется сотни миллионов людей по всему миру.  Вся разработка уходит в веб и эта тенденция будет только развиваться.  Существует огромное количество языков программирования на которых р...

Go (Golang) Русский PDF