Xinmin Tian

Xinmin Tian is an Intel Fellow and Compiler Architect at Intel Corporation and serves as Intel’s representative on OpenMP Architecture Review Board (ARB). He has been driving OpenMP offloading, vectorization, and parallelization compiler technologies for Intel architectures. His current focus is on LLVM-based OpenMP offloading, SYCL/DPC++ compiler optimizations for CPUs/GPUs, and tuning HPC/AI application performance. He has a PhD in Computer Science from Tsinghua University, holds 27 US patents, has published over 60 technical papers with over 1300+ citations of his work, and has co-authored two books that span his expertise.
  • Data Parallel C++: Mastering DPC++ for Programming of Heterogeneous Systems using C++ and SYCL. 2 Ed (2023)