Having started her career with over 10 years of ethical hacking, reverse engineering, and advanced vulnerability analysis as a defense contractor, Stephanie Domas has a deep knowledge and passion for the hacker mindset.
Pivoting her offensive skills to the defense she built and lead two cybersecurity businesses focused on defense of embedded systems, medical devices and the healthcare industry. She serves as a prominent industry consultant and advisor with a broad range of tech companies and device manufacturers, from the newest startups to the industry giants. Stephanie is currently the CISO of Canonical, driving Canonical to be the most trusted computational partner in all of open source. Prior to that she served as the Chief Security Technology Strategist at Intel where she owned the cross-Intel security technology strategy, formulating and implementing strategies that would accelerate Intel’s strength, competitiveness, and revenue growth in the area of Security.
Stephanie is a passionate educator, strategist, speaker, advisor, and security enthusiast.