David Matuszek

Dr. David Matuszek has been teaching computer science for 50 years and reading science fiction for nearly 70. He has taught at The University of Texas, the University of Tennessee, Villanova University, Drexel University, and the University of Pennsylvania. Most of his students know him as “Dr. Dave.” He spent fifteen years in industry, first at Burroughs and later at Lockheed, working in Artificial Intelligence. During this time he also taught as an adjunct at Villanova University. His course materials have been widely copied (with permission) and reused. Dr. Dave enjoys boating, SCUBA diving, world travel (pre-covid) and, of course, reading. He is a family man, and is pleased that his wife and all four of his children have been drawn into the computer field. Now “retired,” he is putting his excess energy into writing, both computer science and science fiction. An inveterate teacher, he works to make his fiction as scientifically accurate as possible.
  • Quick Java (2023)