Brais Brenlla Ramos


 Brais Brenlla is both an architect, a 3d artist, a first time author and an Unreal Engine 4 developer - but above all else, he is a passionate follower of anything 3D related. His interest in that field started very early, probably as soon as he laid eyes on a video game advert. Fast forward that "love-at-first-sight" moment with games into the future and it's easy to understand his trajectory: from architectural design and visualisation to 3d modelling, game development and more.

 Not leaving that 3d passion out of sight, his main efforts as of late are deeply tied to the realm of development in Unreal Engine 4. In that position, Brais has gained tons of experience in multiple different fields - UI design, visual effects, tools developer or level design to name a few. He currently leads the development of multiple apps based around the display and use of several models of cities, where he continues to strengthen his skills every day.

 You can follow him on his personal website, where he posts new content about 3d related topics every now and then:

  • Unreal Engine 5 Shaders and Effects Cookbook: Over 50 recipes to help you create materials and utilize advanced shading techniques. 2 Ed (2023)