
 Ruby on Rails is an open-source framework for building web applications from scratch while focusing on productivity, leveraging the power of the convention-over-configuration principle, and the well-defined model-view-controller pattern, assisting the developers in building useful features. However, this initial simplicity often leads to uncontrollable complexity turning the well-structured codebase into a hardly maintainable mess. This book aims to help you keep the code maintainable while working on a Rails application.

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 Solve your Ruby programming problems that occur during your day-to-day scripting work. This book contains a varied selection of practical and interesting code recipes designed to make your coding life easier. Ruby Recipes includes solutions to problems in working with data, handling exceptions, writing blocks, and using regular expressions.

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 Learn the basics of test driven development (TDD) using Ruby. You will carry out problem domain analysis, solution domain analysis, designing test cases, and writing tests first. These fundamental concepts will give you a solid TDD foundation to build upon. Test Driven Development in Ruby is written by a developer for developers.

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 Язык Ruby излагается последовательно от простого к сложному. Описываются интерпретатор Ruby, утилиты, детально рассматривается современная Ruby-экосистема, работа со стандартной и сторонними библиотеками Дан разбор синтаксических конструкций: операторов, переменных, констант, конструкций ветвления и циклов, блоков и итераторов. Подробно описаны объектно-ориентированные возможности Ruby: классы, модули, объекты и методы. Показано практическое применение языка Ruby в веб-программировании и автоматическом тестировании. Для закрепления материала в конце глав приводятся задания.

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 Though I’ve worked my way through many Rails books, this is the one that finally made me “get” it. Everything is done very much “the Rails way”—a way that felt very unnatural to me before, but now after doing this book finally feels natural. This is also the only Rails book that does test-driven development the entire time, an approach highly recommended by the experts but which has never been …

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 Improve the user experience for your Rails app with rich, engaging client-side interactions. Learn to use the Rails 7 tools and simplify the complex JavaScript ecosystem. It's easier than ever to build user interactions with Hotwire, Turbo, and Stimulus. You can add great front-end flair without much extra complication. Use React to build a more complex set of client-side features. Structure your code for different levels of client-side needs with …

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 The thoughts in this book reflect countless hours of discussion and collaboration between Sandi, Katrina Owen, and TJ Stankus. These ideas have been battle-tested by hundreds of students, and refined by a series of deeply thoughtful co-instructors, beginning with Katrina. While none of the authors have the hubris to claim perfect understanding, all have learned a great deal about Object-Oriented Design from teaching this song, and feel compelled to write …

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 This book assumes that you have at least tried to write object-oriented software. It is not necessary that you feel you succeeded, just that you made the attempt in any object-oriented (OO) language. Chapter 1, “Object-Oriented Design,” contains a brief overview of object-oriented programming (OOP), but its goal is to define common terms, not to teach programming.

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Язык Руби и веб-программирование — это нечто среднее между «поскорее найти работу», «выучить что-нибудь несложное и интересное» и «чтобы также пригодилось в будущем». Руби не только позволяет составлять скучные программы, работая на кого-то в офисе, но также может быть полезен дома, в быту (одна из моих последних программ — обучение игре на гитаре).

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 This book is for testers or programmers who write (or want to learn) automated tests with Selenium WebDriver. In order to get the most of this book, basic Ruby coding skill is required.

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Are you completely new to programming and looking for a great, easy-to-understand language that you could learn first? Ruby is used in some of the most popular and user-downloaded web applications for a reason. It is easy to maintain and it is designed for simultaneous operation. In this tutorial, Nathan Metzler shows how easy it is to get started with Ruby and start writing your own applications.

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Читателям с разными уровнями подготовки книга окажется по-разному полезна.
Тем, кто уже знаком с объектно-ориентированным проектированием, будет о чем поразмышлять; возможно, они по-новому посмотрят на уже привычные вещи и, вполне вероятно, с чем-то будут не согласны. Поскольку в объектно-ориентированном проектировании нет истины в последней инстанции, оспаривание принципов (и спор с автором данной книги) только улучшит общее понимание предмета.
В конце концов, именно вы должны оценивать собственные конструкции кода, …

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