
 Learn the C++ programming language in a structured, straightforward, and friendly manner. This book teaches the basics of the modern C++ programming language, the C++ Standard Library, and modern C++ standards, including C++23. No previous programming experience is required.

 C++ is a language like no other, surprising in its complexity, yet wonderfully sleek and elegant in so many ways. It is also a language that cannot be learned …

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 Программисты с опытом работы на других языках высокого уровня смогут на практике освоить современный С++ и «большую четверку» его новых возможностей: диапазоны, концепты, модули и корутины.

 200+ практических примеров реального исходного кода позволят быстро овладеть идиомами современного С++, используя популярные компиляторы: Visual C++®, GNU® g++, Apple® Xcode® и LLVM®/Clang. Знание базы позволит перейти к контейнерам стандартной библиотеки С++ array и vector; функциональному программированию с диапазонами и представлениями C++20; строкам, файлам …

русский PDF

 In A Tour of C++, Third Edition, Bjarne Stroustrup provides an overview of ISO C++, C++20, that aims to give experienced programmers a clear understanding of what constitutes modern C++. Featuring carefully crafted examples and practical help in getting started, this revised and updated edition concisely covers most major language features and the major standard-library components needed for effective use.

 Stroustrup presents C++ features in the context of …

english PDF

 Учебное пособие является обобщением опыта преподавания университетского курса «Работа на ЭВМ и программирование» для студентов механикоматематического факультета МГУ имени М. В. Ломоносова и школьного курса «Информатика» в классах при механико-математическом факультете на базе 54-й школы г. Москвы и в математических классах Университетской гимназии. В книге собраны и систематизированы задачи, предлагавшиеся для самостоятельного решения во время семинарских занятий, лабораторных работ, на зачетах и экзаменах.

 Книга предназначена учащимся старших классов с углубленным …

русский PDF

 Опираясь на богатый соревновательный и эвристический опыт, автор предлагает оригинальные реализации классических алгоритмов Computer Science на языках Python и C++. Особое внимание уделено математическим и геометрическим алгоритмам, графовым алгоритмам, структурам данных (в особенности различным деревьям), комбинаторике и работе со строками. Книга поможет заложить и расширить алгоритмическую подготовку, познакомит с эффективными решениями вычислительных задач, а для обучающихся станет настольной. Поможет подготовиться к экзаменам, сертификации, олимпиадам по программированию.

русский PDF

 This book focuses on how to install C/C++ compilers on Linux and Windows platforms in a timely and efficient way. Installing C/C++ compilers, especially Microsoft compilers, typically takes quite a lot of time because it comes with Microsoft Visual Studio for the vast majority of users. Installing Visual Studio requires usually about 40 GB of disk space and a large amount of RAM, so it is impossible to use weak …

english PDF

Solid C and C++ knowledge is a must to fully understand Windows diagnostic artifacts such as memory dumps and do diagnostic, forensic, and root cause analysis beyond listing stack traces, DLL, and driver information. This full-color reference book is a part of the Accelerated C & C++ for Windows Diagnostics training course organized by Software Diagnostics Services. The text contains slides, brief notes highlighting particular points, and replicated source …

english PDF

 LLVM was built to bridge the gap between the theoretical knowledge found in compiler textbooks and the practical demands of compiler development. With a modular codebase and advanced tools, LLVM empowers developers to build compilers with ease. This book serves as a practical introduction to LLVM, guiding you progressively through complex scenarios and ensuring that you navigate the challenges of building and working with compilers like a pro.

 The book …

english EPUB

 Level up your C++, get the tools working for you, eliminate common problems, and move on to more exciting things! This version is printed with full color syntax highlighted examples. A black and white only edition is available for less.As a C++ developer and trainer for 20 years, I have learned that there are many common mistakes that C++ developers of all experience levels make. This book distills that experience …

english EPUB

 C++20 is the next evolution in modern C++ programming, now supported by major C++ compilers. However, C++20 is huge. It will change the way we program more dramatically than C++11 did. Combining new features gives you even more power. However, not everything is self-explanatory and there are hidden traps. Therefore, it is key to understand all the concepts of C++20 and learn how to benefit best.

 This book covers the …

english EPUB

  With the current C++23 standard, C++ has many libraries to offer. My book's key idea is to give you concise the necessary information for all C++ standard libraries.
"The C++ Standard Library" provides a detailed overview of the C++ Standard Library, including C++23.

The Goal

 The C++ Standard Library aims to provide you with a concise reference of the C++ standard library in about 350 pages. This book …

english EPUB

 Develop strong skills and a passion for writing cryptography algorithms and security schemes/modules using C++ 20 and its new features. You will find the right methods of writing advanced cryptographic algorithms (such as, elliptic curve cryptography algorithms, lattice-based cryptography, searchable encryption, and homomorphic encryption), examine internal cryptographic mechanisms, and discover common ways in which the algorithms could be implemented and used correctly in practice. 

 The authors avoid the complexities of the …

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